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Assessment & Accountability Artifact Summary


Cindy Patterson

CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate



AsA-01. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the relationship between standards, curriculum & instruction, and assessments.

AsA-02. Demonstrate a working knowledge of state assessments and their associated reporting structures.

AsA-03. Demonstrate a working knowledge of state and federal education accountability systems and their associated reporting structures.

AsA-04. Demonstrate a working knowledge of best practices districts utilize to report achievement data to various stakeholder groups.

AsA-05. Demonstrate a working knowledge of how districts utilize assessment data to improve achievement for all students.

AsA-06. Demonstrate the ability to identify how they will develop the leadership skills needed to help their organization effectively use local, state, and federal data.



As Manager of Applications Support at Santa Clara County Office of Education I have very little contact with Assessment because my team is focused on systems that support school business such as ERP and document management.  There is some context because of a cross over into the LCAP and LCFF but in general this was new material for me. 




Demonstrate a working knowledge of best practices districts utilize to report achievement data to various stakeholder groups.



For this artifact I am presenting a short video, 60 seconds, created with PowToon which gives a very light approach to an overview of SBAC for parents.  When I reviewed the SCCOE website there was a SARC but I did not find materials focused at parents. There are materials at the state web site but I think it would add value to have some local material developed for parents.

PowToon for SBAC


Demonstrate a working knowledge of how districts utilize assessment data to improve achievement for all students.



I used data available in the current SARC for SCCOE Court Schools to draw some very high level comparisons which I feel point out opportunities for improvement.  Please see the attachment as my artifact.


Demonstrate the ability to identify how you will develop the leadership skills needed to help your organization effectively use local, state, and federal data.

One of the key concepts I have learned is that Assessment is an ever evolving area and currently experiencing significant change.  To continue my personal development and keep abreast of changes I have signed up for newsletters; Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium, the CAASPP list serve.  I will also reach out to the Assessment and Accountability group here at SCCOE and ask to attend meetings and keep informed.



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