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Educational Technology Artifact 2

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate


Learning Objective

EdT-10. Demonstrate a working knowledge with online learning environments, A-G requirements, and the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) standards for online teaching and how the CTO is involved in the process for establishing online learning programs.


Context – Assignment EdT-10 Artifact

Your superintendent recently went to the CUE conference and came back excited about online learning.  He calls a meeting and explains that 30 members of the championship football team need to take Algebra 2 in Summer School this year.  He tasks you, the CTO, with finding an online course that will meet the needs of the students.  At the CUE conference, there were three online vendors that he thought were great and wants you to investigate:  Brigham Young University (BYU), Stanford University Virtual High School, and Shmoop University (SUI).  Don’t forget that these are college bound students who must meet the A-G requirements, so the vendor must be “approved” to offer Algebra 2.  Based on the facts above, write a recommendation that describes the following:

1.      Explain how you would go about solving this issue as a CTO?  What stakeholders should you involve to determine if this is even possible?

2.      Explain the role that UC Doorways & the approved A-G list plays in this decision.

3.      After researching the three online vendors, which would you suggest to the Superintendent for the football players, and why?

4.      Any other issues should you take into consideration?  Funding, technology infrastructure, networking, connectivity, etc?


UC Doorways approved A-G Lists



The artifact presented for this assignment is a memo responding to the Superintendents request for a recommendation for a class that would meet the needs of the football team for[BH1]  an online Algebra II class based on three recommended vendors.  In the memo I explain the resources used for the analysis; UC Doorways A-G list and the CLRN website.  In addition, I have covered other considerations and provided a summary with recommendation as requested.



To:                   Superintendent

From:              Cindy Patterson, CTO Mentor Candidate

Date:               March 23, 2015

Subject:          Potential Online Opportunities for Football Team/Algebra 2



The purpose of this memo is to provide a recommendation for an online option for Algebra 2 for 30 members of the football team who will have scheduling conflicts in the Fall semester.  The vendor pool included Stanford Virtual High School, Brigham Young University and Shmoop University (SUI). 


Resources   UC Doorways approved A-G List


A critical point in determining a recommendation for an online Algebra 2 class for the football team is acceptance of the selected class by higher learning institutions to fulfill a prerequisite.  The University of California System maintains a website which provides a list of all classes that it accepts to fulfill the A-G requirements.  A-G requirements are classes of core subject matter such as History/Social Science, English, Mathematics, Laboratory Science, Language, Visual and Performing arts, and a college-prep elective.  Institutions must reapply annually to maintain acceptance of its classes.  Admission offices for California State University also use this list.  Students who take classes that are not listed on the pre-approved website A-G list may find classes that they take do not meet the prerequisites for entry into college. 


California Learning Resource Network

Originally funded by the by the California Department of Education in 1999 through June 2014, Stanislaus County Office of Education continues to provide this list of online class resources.  It also includes analysis of adherence to academic standards.  Lack of funding has caused a reduction in new material reviewed at this site, however, this body of five years’ work from educators is still a valuable asset in the assessment of on-line learning opportunities.


Vendor Details

Stanford University Virtual High School

Stanford University Virtual High School currently only offers honors classes for mathematics making it unacceptable for a replacement class for the 30 students from the football team.  In addition, the cost of a single class is estimated at $3,825 per student, bringing a projected cost before any ancillary expenses to $114,750.  Stanford University Virtual High School is not listed on the CLRN.


Shmoop University

This is the first year for Shmoop University on the UC Doorways A-G list. Shmoop University does list an Algebra II class Semester A on their website and references a future class for Algebra II Semester B.  A positive for Shmoop is the potential low expense of this option with the classes less than $100.  The entire 30 students could enroll in the class for $3,000. However, none of these Shmoop mathematics classes are approved as prerequisites on the UC Doorways A-G class which makes this a poor choice for the college bound football team students. Shmoop University is not listed on the CLRN.


Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University offers Algebra II parts A and B which are each one semester in length.  Each part of this 2 part series are listed on the UC Doorways A-G list, first being listed in the 2012-2013 school year.  This course is also listed as CLRN certified.  Brigham Young University also offers Algebra II Parts A and B for $143 each for a tuition cost per student, without support materials and supplies, equal to a total of $8,580 for the team.


Technology Considerations - Hardware and Connectivity



In addition to the tuition and books expenses, to provide the football team with an online alternative for scheduling the Algebra II, there are technology considerations needed to insure success.  Where will the student engage in these classes?  Will the school provide a lab with the appropriate equipment, network connectivity and Teacher oversight or will the students use some other facility such as home or library?


Equipment and Connectivity

Online courses require good connectivity and hardware would need to be available for the students’ use.  If the student does classwork at home would the parents be responsible for providing the required hardware and connectivity?  Chrome books or other 1-1 devices might be provided for the use at home; however, providing adequate bandwidth may be more challenging if the players are expected to complete the coursework at home. 


Additional Resources

If the students will work at school has the area allocated have the bandwidth for multiple student simultaneous connection.  Who would manage this lab environment?  I would recommend a lab aid as well Teacher.  Would the teach need additional professional development to address the education technology.

I would recommend further discussion with all stakeholders to identify requirements for success including counseling, Technology, or Curriculum departments.


Summary and Recommendation

Brigham Young University is the best option among the three vendors presented because they offer the required class and their offering is included on the UC Doorways A-G list, which is mandatory for college-bound students.  We should continue the discussion about technical requirements





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