CETPA CTO Portfolio

Educational Technology
Learning Objectives
EdT-01. Demonstrate a working knowledge with the Common Core standards that require technology ability, skills, or instruction.
EdT-02. Demonstrate a working knowledge of a variety of technology tools, devices, and resources that can be used by the teacher to accomplish the Common Core standards and how those tools, resources, and devices will impact your department and your organization’s infrastructure.
Ed-T-03. Demonstrate familiarity of organizational structures of Technology departments that incorporate both IT and Ed Tech.
EdT-04. Demonstrate familiarity with the NETS (National Educational Technology Standards) for students, teachers, and administrators and their districts’ strengths or weaknesses in relation to the NETS standards.
Ed-T05. Demonstrate familiarity with the CTO’s role in supporting educational technology in the classroom and online environments.
EdT-06. Demonstrate familiarity with the obstacles to using school technology.
EdT-07. Demonstrate a familiarity with emerging technologies and their potential impact on and use in teaching and learning as highlighted in the K-12 Edition of the Horizon Report.
EdT-08. Demonstrate familiarity of the productivity and professional practice of using technology for communication and collaboration, learning communities and professional development.
EdT-09. Demonstrate familiarity with social, legal, and ethical issues regarding classroom technology and network infrastructure, including (but not limited to) CIPA, COPPA, FERPA.
EdT-10. Demonstrate a working knowledge with online learning environments, A-G requirements, and the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) standards for online teaching and how the CTO is involved in the process for establishing online learning programs.