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Professional Learning Community Artifacts

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate


Learning Outcome:


KO-06 - Demonstrate the ability to apply what they have learned by effectively participating as a member of a professional learning community through reflective dialogue, continuous inquiry, collaboration and/or de-privatizing practice.




My current job assignment is Manager of Applications Support at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Applications Support supports districts with Santa Clara and San Benito counties and consists of 7 System Analysts and one Technology Trainer totally 8 FTE. The technology we manage for our customers are business related systems.  This group is within the Technology Service Branch under the direction of Craig Blackburn, Director of Technology Programs and Instructional Support.  The Web Development group and the Educational Technology Group also report to Craig as part of Technology Programs and Instructional Support.




                         Artifact one is an excerpt from an online discussion group about an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system where individuals from districts and counties participate in dialogue about the system and support issues.  I admit in my reply to this discussion group that we at SCCOE don’t know either, (de-privatization), and suggest we discuss ideas as a group at an upcoming meeting.


                           Artifact two is a page from the upcoming Quintessential School Systems (the ERP mentioned in artifact 1) User Group conference where I will lead a round table discussion on the current state of Human Resource Information Systems and promote sharing of information and ideas.   This is an example of continuous inquiry, and collaboration and also de-privatization.


                           Artifact 3 is an example of my team meeting agenda which includes SWAT discussion, strengths, weaknesses, achievements/opportunities and threats.  Our current book is Success Built to Last as a round table and focus on improving our process as a group.  This is an example of leading continuous inquiry, and collaboration.


Artifact Summary


My first two artifacts are examples of participating in discussions, offering ideas and posing questions and reflect collaboration and/or de-privatizing practice. Artifact 3 is an example of creating a professional learning community in the group which I manage.  Encouraging my direct reports to participate in in reflective dialogue, continuous inquiry, and collaboration and/or de-privatizing practice.

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