CETPA CTO Portfolio
Leadership and Strategic Planning
Learning Objectives
LSP-01. Demonstrate an awareness of the purpose and benefits of developing a vision and a strategic plan as well as how to successfully implement the strategic plan.
LSP-02. Demonstrate an understanding to the connections between federal, state and local systems.
LSP-03. Demonstrate a familiarity with leadership resources that will develop leadership skills.
LSP-04. Demonstrate the ability to foster good communication.
LSP-05. Using the foundations of systems of systems and strategic planning throughout the CTO Mentor Program, identify areas of interest where you as a CTO could leverage strategic processes for the benefit of your organization.
LSP-06. Using resources available to assist in the development of leadership skills (e.g. the Microsoft Competency Wheel), demonstrate the ability to identify areas of growth and to develop an individual growth plan to address those areas over time.
LSP-07. Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of building a culture of teamwork and mutual support.
LSP-08. Demonstrate an understanding of how to do reflective writing.