Leadership and Strategic Planning Summary
Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate
The second seminar, Leadership and Strategic Planning was held February 7th, 2015. The session included five modules in addition to an introduction, networking at lunch, a group activity, and the wrap up. The focus of the day was on what strategic leadership is and how it can be used in K-12 education. This was emphasized with several inspiring quotes and videos with group discussion. The group reviewed information from The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey with a focus on building relationships and trusts within educational organizations for improved results and impact. The candidates were prepared to return to their organizations as more effective leaders with a better understanding of the dimensions of trust, credibility and competence, and the 13 relationship trust behaviors.
In the afternoon the group discussed their individual development plans based on the Microsoft Competency Wheel, and discussions with their Mentors and other advisors. There was an emphasis on focusing on strengths; talent, skills and knowledge. Participants worked together to provide more detail to their plan and discuss strategies.
Lunch was followed by a group activity that provided an excellent example of interactive learning and emphasized thinking out of the box as a leader. This was followed by a discussion on Predictable Results in Unpredictable times by Covey. The day ended with a comprehensive review of organizations and the environment of K12 education in California with focus on how a CTO can be a positive influence for their district or educational entity. The class also reviewed and discussed the National Technology Plan.
The CTO candidates garnered a number of references from the day including the Microsoft Competency Wheel. The Wheel can assist the CTO candidates in understanding the full breadth of competencies for a CTO. This prepares the candidates to continue lifelong learning and improve their support of their districts.