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LSP Artifact Introduction

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate



Learning Outcome:

LSP-06. Using resources available to assist in the development of leadership skills (e.g. the Microsoft Competency Wheel), demonstrate the ability to identify areas of growth and to develop an individual growth plan to address those areas over time.




Personal professional development is very important in my current position as Manager of Application Support at Santa Clara County Office of Education.  My responsibilities include guiding and monitoring the professional development for my staff of 8 System Support Analysts and managing my own professional development.  We must stay current to provide the best support possible to the districts we support in Santa Clara and San Benito counties.  The districts rely on the ERP system which my group manages and supports for all their business functions and our office is responsible for the pay of approximately 42K employees of districts. The duties of my group my group are very diverse and we must maintain skill sets in technical areas as well as soft skills.




The artifact is a professional development plan to address 3 areas of growth over 1 year.  These areas were chosen after reviewing my strengths and weaknesses through personal assessment and dialogues with my Mentor, Scott Sexsmith and my Director Craig Blackburn.  My areas of focus include Organizational Agility, Developing Others, and Time Management.

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