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Organizational Management Summary

Cindy Patterson, CTO Mentor Candidate


The seminar, presented by Lori Owens and Bob Owens, began with a discussion of organizational culture and the importance of understanding the importance of the informal organization.  The informal organization is compared to an iceberg where only a small portion of the whole is visible above water. 


Change Management was the next topic addressed with personal anecdotes from Lori and Bob with recommendations and process framework from several sources.  These techniques were emphasized by the class participating in the Buy-in Game.  Several archetype personalities as change resistors were presented and the class discussed how to address, manage and achieve buy-in each case presented.   The discussion moved to conflict management with an interactive activity for the class participants to determine their own style of managing conflict.


Problem solving techniques included several tools and methodologies for problem solving in the work place.  Group think was also addressed.  The session ended with a discussion of ethics from the view of a CTO with group exercises which emphasized the main points and garnered class discussion.

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