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Professional Development Summary

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate


Professional Development was the Friday evening topic of the second CCTO weekend sessions.  The mentees experienced excellent professional development as recipients received training about Professional Development from Kris Linville, Educational Technology Director at Irvine Unified School District. Kris invited the class to engage in discussion using a back channel, TodaysMeet; demonstrating how to use this tool in training.  The class reviewed the professional learning survey that had been completed prior to class as a prerequisite.  The similarities and disparities of the survey results were discussed.


Kris provided information on several training philosophies and models.  As an example, explain it like I am 5 - ELI5, is a slang term to ask for a simple explanation to a complex topic.  Kris also covered broader topics like the SAMR model.  This is a model designed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura to help educators infuse technology as part of education.  It divides the impact of technology into three areas; substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition. Substitution and augmentation are enhancing a way of accomplishing a task compared to modification and redefinition which are transforming how a task is accomplished.

The facilitator reviewed the learning objectives and artifact requirements.  The artifact is planning process for professional development that includes a matrix of stakeholders and key items to consider when planning professional development.  The evening concluded with several helpful hints on presentation and preparation for providing professional development.

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