CETPA CTO Portfolio

Personnel Management
Learning Objectives
PeM-01 Demonstrate familiarity with general personnel management principles and techniques, including the keys to being a successful manager.
PeM-02. Demonstrate familiarity with the importance of setting clear expectations and some of the tools, such as MBO, used for goal setting.
PeM-03. Demonstrate familiarity with the importance of praise and its effects on employee performance.
PeM-04. Demonstrate familiarity with best practices for how to work with staff, including the importance of the elements of working with each individual on a one-on-one basis.
PeM-05. Demonstrate familiarity with the concepts of Learning Organizations.
PeM-06. Demonstrate familiarity with the 5 disciplines: Systems Thinking, Personal Mastery, Mental Models, Shared Vision, and Team Learning.
PeM-07. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the distinction between leadership and management with emphasis on management.
PeM-08. Demonstrate a working knowledge of good hiring practices, including the importance of talents and how best to leverage the interview process.
PeM-09. Apply skills learned to write interview questions.
PeM-10. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the issues and legalities involved with hiring and recruitment of staff in a K-12 organization.
PeM-11. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the requirements for employee orientation and familiarization activities.
PeM-12. Demonstrate a working knowledge with recommended practices for the documentation and remediation of unsatisfactory employee performance.