Project Management Summary
Cindy Patterson, CTO Mentor Candidate
Robin Canale, our instructor for Project Management, began the day with introductions and a discussion about our personal development plans from the kick-off session. After a break the class participated in group activities that highlighted the dynamic political nature of projects and the importance of communication. The lively group activities were followed by a discussion about the differences between a manager and a project manager. The discussion the discussion transitioned to what is project management and what competencies does a project manager need. Project success factors and research on trends in management priorities were discussed. Quality frameworks such as Deming and Juran were compared and contrasted. The topic culminated with a discussion about project planning techniques and approaches.
The afternoon continued with problem solving techniques, goal setting and decision making. Robin introduced frameworks for assessing and mitigating risks in projects. A group activity provided an opportunity for participants to practice those skills and techniques. Conflict management was discussed including identifying your personal conflict management style and techniques for conflict resolution. The topic closed with a discussion on politics and participants creating a 5 minute elevator pitch. Robin reviewed the artifact assignment and answered questions before ending the day.