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Cindy Patterson

Santa Clara County Office of Education, San Jose, CA  2004-present

Manager Applications Support 2009‐2019

Manage a group of 8 Analysts who provide system support to School Districts, County Offices of Education, and Community colleges using centralized school business systems: ERP, HRIS, SIS. Our customer base was 43

districts with approximately 2,000 named users. My duties include complex planning of yearly cycle

activities, budget responsibility, project management, training management, and introducing new

products. Managed significant migration from terminal emulation to Windows interface.


Applications Support Analyst, 2004‐2009

Support school districts, county offices of education, and community colleges using centralized school business systems. Specialized in Payroll and HRIS with a recent emphasis on implementing position control, which decreases error rate, reduces data entry, and provides more business intelligence and automated record keeping. Duties include system testing and configuration, business consulting, developing and delivering training, and providing support through the service request system. Spearheaded new online training using Adobe Connect.


IS Client Services Manager

San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco, CA. 2002‐2003

Managed two teams of four technicians, eight direct reports, plus an outsourced team of 20.

These teams provided client‐server support for the airport commission and technical support to the

common-use customers: airlines and airport tenants.

Implemented quality-quantity metrics, service level agreements, and standardized processes.

Manage projects to standardize the desktop environment, upgrade to Windows 2000, and move toward a portal platform.

Increased customer satisfaction rating from 3.83 to 4.1 on a 5‐point scale in one year in a very dynamic growth year for technology at the airport, post 9‐11.


Trainer and Adjunct Faculty

DeAnza College/Occupational Training Institute, Cupertino, CA. 2001‐2002

Developed and delivered curriculum for Technical Support Training program, Microsoft Office, and other

software in‐class and online environments. Developed and managed technical support internships for

students. Member of the team who created philanthropic business ventures that focus on providing

technical support for under‐served populations and training interns/students. Projects included

technical support for seniors in senior housing and a help desk for students and faculty in distance



Manager of IT User Services

ALZA Corporation, Mountain View, CA. 1998‐2001

Managed a department of 5 technical support teams, 32 FTE, focused on providing internal technical

support for a 3,000‐node environment in the US, Canada, and the UK. Budget forecasting and

management responsibility was $3.4 million.

Transformed a technical support group into a strategic business advantage.

Implemented knowledge management, eSupport, and web submission.

Introduced a hybrid approach to operations combining help desk, desktop, and network administration.

Equipped and supported the launch of a pharmaceutical sales force of 1,200 representatives in 3 months.

Developed creative ways to recruit IT support talent, saving 50% per hour for contract labor.

I was a key contributor to enterprise projects such as intranet design and implementation, Windows 2000 upgrade, migration from CCmail to OutlookExchange, and migration from token ring to Ethernet.


Operations Consultant

Olympian Oil South San Francisco, CA. 1997 1998

Supported a significant expansion of CFN, including establishing support systems, a call center with ACD,

incident tracking, and return materials management. I trained an internal resource to manage operations

after the end of the assignment.


IS Manager

Fritz Companies, Inc., San Francisco, CA. 1997

Managed a department of five technical support groups. These teams provided support for external

customers who were using Fritz proprietary software and internal customers using Fritz Information


Improved performance and decreased cost by outsourcing all support functions and supply chain for

10,000 desktop nodes worldwide. Savings were $1 million per year.

Integrated support for inherited proprietary software when Fritz purchased the most significant competitor.

Member of an executive IT project team focused on moving Fritz from a single data center mainframe

environment to a distributed environment with follow-the-sun support and rollover for disaster

recovery. Contributed to the design of worldwide topology, selection of new technologies, and strategic



Bank of America

Chatsworth, CA.\ Tempe, AZ. \ Las Vegas, NV. 1984 ‐ 1996

Thirteen years in various management and project management roles of increasing responsibility and

visibility. Implemented Production Dynamics and Quality control for the accounts receivable group through process improvement and automation.

A key member of the following project teams:

Acquisitions and integration: Security Pacific, Seafirst Bank, Arizona Bank.

Migration of bankcard portfolio from proprietary application to First Data Resources and then to Total Systems.

Relocation of 700‐seat call center operation from California to Arizona.

Implementation of telephony; first auto dialer and ACD to Bankcard USA.

Certified Chief Technology Officer

CTO Mentor Program - CETPA
MS Information Technology
University of Phoenix



 BS Information Technology

University of Phoenix



​Undergraduate Work

Indiana University South Bend - Physics & Mathematics


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