Staff and Student Centered Aspects Artifact
Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate
SSA-01. Demonstrate familiarity with the Public Records Act.
SSA-02. Demonstrate familiarity with bargaining units, contracts and negotiations in the K12 environment.
SSA-03. Demonstrate familiarity with permanent records.
SSA-04. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the types of student records.
SSA-05. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the requirements of record maintenance, storage and retrieval.
SSA-06. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the local, state and federal requirements pertaining to student records.
SSA-07. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the role of the custodian of records and the responsibilities of that position.
SSA-08. Demonstrate the ability to apply requirements of maintenance, transmission and destruction of records.
SSA-09. Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of student privacy regarding records.
SSA-10. Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of student record attributes.
The Technology Resource Advisors at the Santa Clara County Office of Education consists of me, Manager of Applications Support, and eight Applications Support Systems Analysts. The team supports business systems for our districts and the County Office of Education. These business systems include an ERP, SIS and a document management system.
Record Maintenance – Essay 1
For schools in California, record maintenance is governed by the California Code of Regulations, also known as CCR. Within the CCR Title 5 covers education. The education division has 24 chapters; chapter 16 covers governing Boards of School Districts. Subchapter 2 is for the Destruction of Records of School Districts. Specifically 6020 gives the definition of records as “(a) As used in this article, “records” means all records, maps, books, papers, and documents of a school district required by law to be prepared or retained or which are prepared or retained as necessary or convenient to the discharge of official duty.”. In addition there is Education Code Section 3520 which states:
35250. The governing board of every school district shall:
Certify or attest to actions taken by the governing board whenever such certification or attestation is required for any purpose.
Keep an accurate account of the receipts and expenditures of school moneys.
Make an annual report, on or before the first day of July, to the county superintendent of schools in the manner and form and on the blanks prescribed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Make or maintain such other records or reports as are required by law.
Records can be maintained electronically within the confines of Education Code Section 35254. Schools must be able to provide records to the court system. There are rules of evidence at the Federal and State levels.
Helpful Resources:
California Public Records Act
EdCode – as noted above
School Policy
CASB Records Retention Manual
CalRIM – Records Retention Handbook