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Staff and Student Centered Aspects Artifact 2

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate



SSA-01. Demonstrate familiarity with the Public Records Act.

SSA-02. Demonstrate familiarity with bargaining units, contracts and negotiations in the K12 environment.

SSA-03. Demonstrate familiarity with permanent records.

SSA-04. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the types of student records.

SSA-05. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the requirements of record maintenance, storage and retrieval.

SSA-06. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the local, state and federal requirements pertaining to student records.

SSA-07. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the role of the custodian of records and the responsibilities of that position.

SSA-08. Demonstrate the ability to apply requirements of maintenance, transmission and destruction of records.

SSA-09. Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of student privacy regarding records.

SSA-10. Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of student record attributes.




The Technology Resource Advisors at the Santa Clara County Office of Education consists of me, Manager of Applications Support, and eight Applications Support Systems Analysts.  The team supports business systems for our districts and the County Office of Education.  These business systems include an ERP, SIS and a document management system.




Custodian of Records – Essay 2


The California Education Code has several sections which identify the role of the Custodian of Records and the management and access to student records.  The record keeper must be a certificated employee. They are responsible for implementing district wide board policy for student records.  The custodian of records is the gatekeeper of student records and responsible for adherence to all requirements for record keeping.  They are also relied upon to interpret records.  If the school ceases existence they must retain services for 5 years of an alternate custodian of records.  The State Department of Education does not keep transcripts for public or private schools.


431. Responsibilities of Local Governing Boards.

(a) Local governing boards shall designate a certificated employee as custodian of records. Such employee shall be charged with districtwide responsibility for implementing board policies relating to pupil records

432. Varieties of Pupil Records

(A) A log or record identifying those persons (except authorized school personnel) or organizations requesting or receiving information from the record. The log or record shall be accessible only to the legal parent or guardian or the eligible pupil, or a dependent adult pupil, or an adult pupil, or the custodian of records.

433. Maintenance and Security of Pupil Records.

(a) The custodian of records shall be responsible for the security of pupil records maintained by the district and shall devise procedures for assuring that access to such records is limited to authorized persons.

435. Procedure for Access to Pupil Records

(a) Authorized organizations, agencies, and persons from outside the school whose access requires the consent of the parent or the adult pupil must submit their request to view the records, together with any required authorization, to the chief school administrator or the custodian of records.

(b) The chief school administrator or the custodian of records or a certificated designee shall be responsible during the inspection for interpretation of the records where necessary and for prevention of their alteration, damage, or loss. In every instance of inspection of pupil records by persons who do not have assigned educational responsibility, an entry shall be made in the access log of said record, indicating the name of the person(s) granted access, the reason access was granted, the time and circumstances of inspection, and the records inspected.

18802. Custodian of Records

(b) Any institution shall, in the event of complete cessation of all operations, immediately retain a custodian of records and advise the superintendent of the custodian's name, address and telephone number. The institution shall arrange for the custodian to retain, for the balance remaining of five years, all those records described in Education Code Section 94312(k) along with each former student's record of attendance and academic progress.

71310. Recordkeeping; Custodian of Records.

(b) The description shall include the name, physical address, email address, and telephone number of the custodian of records, and the physical addresses and telephone numbers of the offices or buildings where the records will be maintained

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