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Strategic Leadership Summary

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate


Learning Outcomes


VTL-03. Demonstrate the ability to show professional growth in leadership related to the individual development plan.


Strategic Leadership began with a group activity identifying key things learned from each seminar.  The class also shared items that were not covered that could be considered for future cohorts.  The first part of the morning was consumed with student presentations, each with a length of 5 minutes, discussing their growth during the program.  The Artifact requirements were discussed.


Robert discussed the value and risks associated with Vendor relationships.  He recommended that a CTO know legal requirements, district policies and develop a personal ethical framework.  To demonstrate these concepts Robert led the class through discussion of ethical scenarios involving vendor relationships.


The afternoon began with a discussion of how politics can impact a CTO. The importance of understand and embracing politics rather than avoiding them was emphasized.  Robert led the group through an activity to demonstrate group dynamics followed by discussion of leadership and strategic planning.  Robert provided thought frameworks for strategic planning and decision making.  The group discussed 9 leadership behaviors.  This led to the discussion of the Strategic Plan Artifact and the groups worked together to assess a district Technology Plan against the 5 goals of the National Tech Plan.


Robin led a discussion about the class Book Club reading of Good to Great.  All participants felt it was a worthy pursuit. Some participants suggested other books that might be used in the future because the Good to Great book is so prolific and many have already read this book.


Organizational charts were discussed with reflection on understanding hierarchy dynamics for the role of a CTO.  Goal setting and alignment with the LEA goals were also covered.  The instruction for the day ended with final thoughts and a discussion of the one thing that has changed for the students through the CTO mentor program.  Andrea provided information about final presentations, and graduation.


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