Technology Policy, Standards and Plans Artifact 1
Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate
TPS-10. Demonstrate the ability to apply what was learned regarding policies and procedures to create or revise a policy.
As Manager of Applications Support at Santa Clara County Office of Education I manage 8 Application Support Analysts who support the County Office of Education and School Districts using Enterprise Business Systems such as ERP, SIS, and Document Management.
The artifact I am presenting is a draft of a board policy for a Bring Your Own Device policy for CP Unified, a fictitious district. As captured in the green sheet, this policy addresses the interest of staff bringing their own devices and using them at work within their job duties. It balances flexibility for for staff with data security and business continuity for the district.
To: Board of Education CP Unified School District Meeting Date: January 21, 2016
From: Technology Services
Approve a Bring Your Own Device Policy to allow employees to bring personal technology devices to work and use them on the CP Unified network in their jobs.
The consumerization of technology has brought a plethora of options in stationary and mobile devices. Employees prefer to select technology platforms based on personal preferences rather than a standard and use them at work within their job function.
There must be a balance between flexibility for the employee and data security and business continuity for the district. Goal 4 of CP Unified is to be a premier employer. Offering flexibility to employees and supporting personal preference of technology platforms will support this goal. Support is the largest cost component of provisioning a technology platform, mobile or stationary. Allowing staff to bring devices to work cannot be seen as a cost saving measure. Any small savings in initial purchase will be offset by additional support costs.
Legal Reference
Moved by: ___________________________________________ Seconded by: ____________________