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Technology Policy, Standards and Plans Artifact 2

Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate




As Manager of Applications Support at Santa Clara County Office of Education I manage 8 Application Support   Analysts who support the County Office of Education and School Districts using Enterprise Business Systems such as ERP, SIS, and Document Management.



Dan Wexler

Sean Mulligan

Paoze Lee

Cindy Patterson



TPS-11.  Demonstrate the ability to apply what was learned about technology plan requirements to evaluate an existing plan and to create a new one.



This assignment was started as a group assignment in class. The group consisted of Cindy Patterson, Paoze Lee, Sean Mulligan and Dan Wexler. The group used the Technology Plan for the Golden Valley Unified School District, July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2018. In class, the group completed the Tech Plan Evaluation section. The Discussion section was done by Dan Wexler independently.


Tech Plan Evaluation


Plan Background - Paoze   

NED Scorecard: Yellow, could go up or stay neutral. NED does not have background.


The background includes all the stakeholders, description of the area, and the student demographics.  The background also includes relevant, current research about educational technology and learning. The Plan also includes the latest federal and state policies regarding technology and learning in k-12 schools.


Curriculum - Dan

Yellow. Trending Up. Does not describe engaging learning experiences.


The plan contains all of the curriculum component criteria. It describes teachers’ and students access to technology and contains goals with an implementation policy. The Plan specifies goals for students’ development of technology skills. It addresses Internet safety.


Professional Development - Cindy

Green “Building the capacity of educators, pg 37”  Found in both Assessment and Teaching in the National Technology Plan.


The Technology Plan Template has 2 criteria for Professional Development:

  • Review of teacher and administrator proficiency

  • Measureable goals and implementation plan


This technology plan meets all of the criteria set forth in the plan template.  It has specific measureable goals and a clear implementation plan that identifies timeline, person responsible, success measure and measurement instrument.


Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, Software, and Asset Management - Sean

(Yellow) upward trend


The plan covers specifics regarding the existing and future hardware that will be needed to support curriculum and professional development.  These specified technologies include end-user devices, network infrastructure, and Internet access.  The inclusion of a 1-to-1 program in the plan demonstrates future or planned initiatives consistent with the curriculum plan.  Finally, the plan meets CDE recommendations by providing information regarding a technology support model as well as inventory and tracking systems.


Monitoring and Evaluation - Paoze  

NED scorecard: Green….provides timelines, personnel responsible, and stakeholders involved. It shows productivity of plan. upward trend.


The plan includes persons responsible for the monitoring and evaluation process.  The plan also allows for change and revisions if needed as technology is always evolving. The plan has steps and process for monitoring and evaluation and a timeline as well.



How does the plan support or not support LCAP?


The GVUSD Technology Plan directly supports the district’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). In Section 2c of the Technology Plan, there is a description of goals and an implementation plan for “using technology to improve teaching and learning.” There is also a description of how those goals support the four key components of the district’s strategic plan, which is tied to LCAP.  These goals include:

1. Provide more teacher training in technology use and integration

2. Provide a variety of course offerings in technology

3. Develop a technology plan for replacement recycling

4.     Provide more access and information about the web


There is a specific discussion of elements of the district’s strategic plan that pertain to technology, and how the technology plan supports the strategic plan in these areas. The strategic plan has numerous goals pertaining to technology integration. These goals, along with their accompanying sub-goals, objectives, benchmarks, and implementation plans, are included in the Technology Plan. The implementation plans specify what steps will be taken to achieve the technology integration goals. They include descriptions of Activity, Timeline, Person(s) Responsible, Monitoring & Evaluation, and Evaluation Instrument.


Does the narrative provide an assessment of the required components: curriculum, professional development, and infrastructure?

The narrative provides an extensive description of the district’s technology as it pertains to curriculum. This includes an inventory of hardware and software, as well as a description of the district’s BYOD program. There is a narrative section describing the district’s technology use. There is no assessment of the district’s technology program as it pertains to supporting curriculum.

The narrative has a section that describes its professional development program for technology. This section includes a description of the users’ proficiency levels, and a technology training needs assessment. This is followed by a description of technology training goals and timelines that will meet the needs of the users. This is a very strong section.


There is a description of the district’s infrastructure. There is an assessment of the district’s infrastructure needs to support its growing technology program.


For all of the implementation plans, there is an evaluation and monitoring section, as well as a monitoring instrument section. There is a final section dedicated to the evaluation and monitoring of the program. So there is ongoing assessment of the required components.


There is no description or evaluation of technology budget.


Does portfolio provide evidence that the student understands each of the 5 core components?

The five components of the technology plan are:

  • Background - The district, educational technology research, state and federal educational technology policies

  • Curriculum - Shows how the district’s technology program supports its curricular goals

  • Professional development - Specifies and PD plan based on a needs assessment of the users

  • Infrastructure, Hardware, Technical Support, Software, and Asset Management - Describes the district’s technology assets, assesses them, and plans for future growth

  • Monitoring and Evaluation - Ongoing assessment of the technology plan













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