Technology Policies, Standards and Plans Summary
Cindy Patterson, CETPA CTO Mentor Candidate
Learning Outcomes
TPS-10. Demonstrate the ability to apply what was learned regarding policies and procedures to create or revise a policy.
TPS-11. Demonstrate the ability to apply what was learned about technology plan requirements to evaluate an existing plan and to create a new one.
Technology Policies, Standards, and Plans seminar was presented by Robin Canale and Robert Gravina. After introductions and an agenda review the day began with Policy Writing. Robert Gravina. Robert discussed the changing way that our school environment views technology and the consumerization of IT – BYOD. The class participated in a group project to discuss district policies and how applications coming into a school district are vetted and approved. Robert shared the common components of a board policy and process for a board to review and approve a policy. Mr. Gravina provided an example of a Green sheet and discussed the use of a Green sheet.
Robin Canale discussed E-Discovery Policy and the role of Educational Entities. Several resources were provided to assist in developing an E-Discovery policy. The class renewed their understanding of classes of records as presented in the seminar of Student and Staff Centered Aspects. California Code of Regulations Title V sections 16020, 16022, 16026, 16027, and Government Code Section 14576 were highlighted. Education Code section 35254 was also detailed for electronic records.
Compliance with the ADA guidelines was discussed in regards to section 508 requirements. Robin provided a tool to evaluate web pages for compliance. The group ran the tool against web sites of their choice and then discussed the results. The group also discussed website copyrights and fair use. Robert shared a video on the Abilene Paradox and discussed group decision dynamics. The evening ended with a reminder about presentations due for the next day.